Node JS Backend Development

Course Overview


The Node JS is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment, runs on the V8 JavaScript Engine, and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. It lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting. The functionality of running scripts server-side produces dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web-application development around a single programming language.

Who This Course Is For

This course is fantastic for those students who want to pursue Web Development as a career. All that is needed for this is basic knowledge of Web Technologies. This Course is also beneficial for getting good placements as Technologies like Node JS is in Heavy demand. This Course is excellent for the freelancers who want to widen their skill-set as the skills offered in this course are very advantageous for landing in high paying jobs and delivering them effectively.

What you'll learn

The Node JS Backend Development will teach you how you can create server based web applications using the Node JS and other advanced topics. You will also learn about topics like handling forms and data, managing the database with a web application as well as managing AJAX requests for Asynchronous processing of requests and response.


For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience
Node JS Backend Development

Course Syllabus

Basic Web Development

Module Introduction:

This module will focus on basic web development which includes basic web languages such as HTML 5.0, Cascading Style sheet(CSS), Bootstrap 5.x and Javascript.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction
  • Concept of Web Application
  • Static VS Dynamic Web Application

Module Introduction:

HyperText Markup Language(HTML) is a basic website development language through which we can develop basic webpages.

Module Syllabus:

  • Creating HTML Document
  • Type of Tags
  • Use of various Tags
  • Table Tag
  • Form Tag

Module Introduction:

Cascading style sheet (CSS) is a language used to design components of a website. It gives a great look and feel to the website.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Types of CSS
  • Using CSS to style HTML Elements

Module introduction:

Bootstrap is a CSS framework used to design a website mobile friendly i.e. The design of the website is more responsive while opening the site in smaller devices like mobile phones or tablets.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Classes for designing
  • Making Responsive Web Pages with Bootstrap
  • Bootstap Components like Models, Alerts and Accordion

Module Introduction:

Javascript is a client side scripting language in which one can work with events, functions etc.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to javascript
  • Using Javascript in HTML Documents
  • Datatype, Variables, Operators in JS
  • Functions in JS
  • Dom Manipulation usung JS
  • Creating Effects using JS

Getting started with Node

Module Introduction:

This module will introduce you with the basics of node , understanding with NPM and various commands to install and run your programs.

Module Introduction:

In this section, we'll be understanding concepts of node and implementation the concepts in it.

Module Syllabus:

  • Understanding Node JS and NPM
  • Working with modules, HTTP Modules, URL Modules
  • Understanding Events
  • File Upload
  • Email Sending
  • Using Express Framework with node for Web Development

Module Introduction:

This module will let us connect Node with Mysql Database and let us perform all the CRUD operations on the tables created in the connected database.

Module Syllabus:

  • Connecting with MySQL
  • Performing CRUD Operations on MySQL
  • Generating JSON
  • Creating Web Services

Module Introduction:

CRUD (create, review, update and delete) operations can be performed on all the schemas present in the database connedted with the node project.

Module Syllabus:

  • Connecting to MySQL and performing CRUD operations using Node to create a data driven application.

Module Introduction:

Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX) helps us in doing asynchronous activities than refreshing whole page. It helps our website to look more attractive and user friendly.

Module Syllabus:

  • Fetching Data using AJAX
  • Parsing and using JSON Data

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience
Node JS Backend Development

Course Features


VMM Certification available

students will be provided with the valuable VMM certificates after completion of course

students will be provided with the valuable VMM certificates after completion of course


Comprehensive Study material

We provide very comprehensive study material that helps them to understand the concept better

We provide very comprehensive study material that helps them to understand the concept better


Assignments & Practice sessions

Multiple assignments and Practise sessions are held so that students can get the most out of the course

Multiple assignments and Practise sessions are held so that students can get the most out of the course


Well Equipped Computer labs

we have Well equipped computer labs so our students can practice and polish their skills

we have Well equipped computer labs so our students can practice and polish their skills


Online and offline classes

we provide hybrid classes, so that everyone can attend their classes as per their convenience

we provide hybrid classes, so that everyone can attend their classes as per their convenience


Practice questions included

100+ Practice questions are covered so the students can refine their skills

100+ Practice questions are covered so the students can refine their skills


Unique Projects Included

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor


Professionally Recorded Lectures

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor

Students can opt to our pre-recorded lectures and can learn form us as per their conveniences


Industrial Training Standards

Students Students are given their training as per the industry standards and conventions

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor


MySQL database included

MySql Database is included in the course along with its connectivity with python

MySql Database is included in the course along with its connectivity with python


Faculty support of taking problems

Experienced faculty are available for solving the students' problems throughout the course

Experienced faculty are available for solving the students' problems throughout the course


Development software included

Premium software will be provided in this course such as WebStorm and Xampp

Premium software will be provided in this course such as WebStorm and Xampp

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience

This is the Recommended course that you should take after completing the Node JS course. These advanced courses will significantly enhance your skill set and make you a better and more capable developer.

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience