Machine Learning Industrial Training

Course Overview


The Machine Learning Industrial Training is the best Machine learning Industrial Training Course one can opt for. Machine learning in Python is the ability of machines to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. Python offers a range of libraries and frameworks for building and deploying machine learning These libraries provide developers with a powerful set of tools for building, training, and deploying machine learning models. Python's simple and easy-to-learn syntax, along with its active community and versatile nature makes it a popular choice among industry professionals and beginners alike.

Who This Course Is For

The machine Learning industrial training course is a very comprehensive course that covers various applications of machine learning and how it can be implemented using Python. There is a sharp increase in the demand of Machine Learning from the last decade and several companies are in the search of competent Developers. With the increasing amount of data and the growing need to analyze and extract insights from data, there is a growing need for machine learning experts to help organizations make better decisions and improve their operations.

What you'll learn

The Machine Learning Industrial Training course will cover various basic as well as advanced topics such as using Jupyter Notebook, Numpy and its applications, Pandas and its applications, MatPlotLob module, OpenCV as well as Face Detection using OpenCV. This course will also include a project creation under the guidance of the course instructor.


For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience
Machine Learning Industrial Training

Course Syllabus

Basic Web Development

Module Introduction:

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. It is often used for data science and machine learning projects, and it is based on the programming language Python. The notebooks are interactive and can be run on a local machine or a remote server.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
  • Installation of anaconda and Jupyter notebook
  • How to use Jupyter Notebook and there shortcut keys

Module Introduction:

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. It is a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to NumPy
  • Installation of NumPy
  • Array , ID Array , 2D Array , 3D Array
  • NumPy build in functions
  • Performing Mathematical operations
  • Slicing operations generating random sampling

Module introduction:

Pandas is a library for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. It provides data structures such as Series and DataFrame for handling and manipulating data and includes functions for reading and writing data from various formats, as well as handling missing data and time series data. It is a widely used tool in data pre-processing and data wrangling.

Module Syllabus:

  • Installing and understanding Pandas
  • Series & Series objects
  • Working with Attributes methods & extracting series values using get method
  • Working with Data frames, select, add broadcast, sort, using conditions merging & concatenation.
  • Working with dates
  • Importing data from CSV & JSON
  • Working on world population data

Module Introduction:

Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language. It provides an object-oriented API for embedding plots into applications using general-purpose GUI toolkits like Tkinter, or GTK. It is capable of creating a wide range of static, animated, and interactive visualizations in 2D and 3D. It is widely used in data visualization and exploratory data analysis.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to Matplotlib
  • Line Graph, Histogram, PIE chart, Bar Plot, Scatter Plot, Subplotting Displot joint plot , pairplot

Module Introduction:

OpenCV is a library for computer vision in Python. It allows for processing and analyzing images and videos. One of its most popular uses is for facial recognition and face detection in images and videos. This can be used for a wide range of applications such as security systems, image and video editing software, and human-computer interaction.

Module Syllabus:

  • Reading Images & videos from webcams
  • Basic Function
  • Resizing & Cropping
  • Shapes and text
  • Join Images
  • Colour Detection
  • Shape Detection
  • Face Detection
  • Text Recognitions

Module Introduction:

Machine learning is a method of teaching computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed. With machine learning libraries, developers can easily create and train machine learning models to make predictions or decisions based on data.

Module Syllabus:

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Linear Regression

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience
Machine Learning Industrial Training

Course Features


VMM Certification available

students will be provided with the valuable VMM certificates after completion of course

students will be provided with the valuable VMM certificates after completion of course


Comprehensive Study material

We provide very comprehensive study material that helps them to understand the concept better

We provide very comprehensive study material that helps them to understand the concept better


Assignments & Practice sessions

Multiple assignments and Practise sessions are held so that students can get the most out of the course

Multiple assignments and Practise sessions are held so that students can get the most out of the course


Well Equipped Computer labs

we have Well equipped computer labs so our students can practice and polish their skills

we have Well equipped computer labs so our students can practice and polish their skills


Online and offline classes

we provide hybrid classes, so that everyone can attend their classes as per their convenience

we provide hybrid classes, so that everyone can attend their classes as per their convenience


Practice questions included

100+ Practice questions are covered so the students can refine their skills

100+ Practice questions are covered so the students can refine their skills


Unique Projects Included

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor


Professionally Recorded Lectures

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor

Students can opt to our pre-recorded lectures and can learn form us as per their conveniences


Industrial Training Standards

Students Students are given their training as per the industry standards and conventions

Students will create their own project under the supervision of the instructor


MySQL database included

MySql Database is included in the course along with its connectivity with python

MySql Database is included in the course along with its connectivity with python


Faculty support of taking problems

Experienced faculty are available for solving the students' problems throughout the course

Experienced faculty are available for solving the students' problems throughout the course


Development software included

Premium software will be provided in this course such as PyCharm and Xampp

Premium software will be provided in this course such as PyCharm and Xampp

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience

To get the most out of the Machine Learning, One must also be familiar with the basics of Python. The Python Industrial Training is an excellent course that you can take in order to become more proficient in Python programming language. A strong base will always be beneficial to every Python developer, hence the Python Industrial Training n is the best way to get a very comprehensive and detailed knowledge that will help you to become the very best Python developer

For Live

Live Classes can be attended in both Online
as well as Offline at the institute.

For Recorded Lectures

Recorded lectured are a great way to learn anytime,
as per your convenience